How Can Organizations Develop Effective Cyber Security Strategy?

Cyber Security—Advancing through AI - IEEE Innovation at Work
Effective cyber security is essential for an organization to protect its assets. Many of the companies believe that investing in better technical solutions means that they are highly protected from all the cyber attacks. However, this is the only small part of the effective defense. Many world-leading organizations like
Mitre att&ck framework highly improve their cyber security and now have great resources for protecting risk. If you also want to develop effective cyber security strategy, some of the ways are given below:

  • Understand the risk of cyber security with respect to your organization – The threats of cyber security has become more complicated or complex. So, it is important for an organization to understand first what it really means for them, the acceptable level of the risks and the major areas for the investment. 
  • Integrate across personnel and physical security – The most effective and successful strategy is that which works or runs across the security measures of the organization. You can also make smart and high quality interventions in the vulnerable areas. Therefore, it works as a booster for your overall security. 
  • Establish the protective monitoring to prevent insider threat – The protective monitoring provides you a coherent view of the cyber activities across the organization. Therefore, it fully supports the positive culture to deter the insider threat who knowingly facilities an attack. It also helps the organization to deter the counter-productive behavior. 

Top 5 Cybersecurity Recommendations | TechWise Group

  • Accept some of the attacks will break your defence – The organization needs to be pre-prepared for the cyber attacks and it is important for them to make sure that they have enough skills to easily identify and isolate the issues. You should determine the investigation level and the respond required to maintain the business. Most importantly, security measures will make the organization resilient.