Galvin Green Compression Technology – Squeeze the Most Out of Your Game

SkinTight Compression Technology is new from Galvin Green. You would have never thought that an undergarment could give you so much benefit not only in comfort but in performance as well. The list is almost endless – the SkinTight technology helps with enhanced body circulation, increased muscle stamina, moisture management, breathe ability, thermo regulation, anti-bacterial properties, Ffat seam construction and easy care. The Galvin Green SkinTight garments are a firm fit to the body, we would have all seen these garments being used by performance athletes such as track and field, football players, rugby players, cyclists and the list goes on. Much research has been done in a wide range of sport that now have incorporated this clothing technology, as the standard to aid body circulation.

With Galvin now coming to golf, everyone can improve circulation aiding performance stamina and concentration. The fabric is very breathable and moisture is taken away from the body. Both of the above help to regulate your body’s temperature and blood flow even if your are cold one minute then warm the next, which would usually be a difficult thing to handle. Galvin Green intelligent polyamide yarns are used in the manufacture of Galvin Green SkinTight under garments.

The anti-bacterial properties help to keep the bodies skin bacterial level in its natural state rather than other type garments that try to eliminate all bacteria on the body. This would usually cause the skin to get irritated in a similar way to that of having too many bacteria on the skin leaving rashed areas and even sore skin.

Day to day our bacteria level should remain constant as our body is used to that level and it’s an important feature of the SkinTight under garments that help the neutrality and natural state of your body. The Galvin Green Under Garments are designed to be worn with the Ventil8 (Ventilate) and other multi layer technology garments for ultimate comfort and performance.